Students enrolling in our Science Tutoring Classes improve their marks on average by 18.43% in 6 months.
Every one of our Physical Science and Life Science tutors scored a distinction+ in either Physical Science or Life Science in high school, has studied Physical Science or Life Science at university, passed our intake exam with distinction, and then completed our tutor training programme with distinction.
First, we assess the student to identify gaps in the fundamentals (what content don’t they know?) and common error types (how are they losing marks?).
Then, we select a mentor from our team of Cambridge tutors. It is crucial for a student to ‘like’ their tutor and look forward to the lessons.
The trained tutor comes to the house for high-impact one-on-one lessons where they actually teach the ideas and concepts.
We set structured homework for the student to do in between lessons. When it comes to learning, practice is key.
We use projects, experiments, and practical demonstrations to excite the student and pique their interest.
The student writes regular mock tests so that they can practise their skills under exam conditions, and we can monitor their progress and increase their confidence.
A student needs to familiarise themselves with the technical requirements of the memorandum in order to excel. We teach test-taking techniques.
We supervise, guide and support the programme to ensure a great result.
Our unique approach to Physical Science and Life Science tutoring makes us the premier choice for anyone seeking a truly exceptional learning experience. Our expert tutors and education managers provide a personalised learning experience that is unmatched in quality and effectiveness.
Family Interview:
Our process starts with a family consultation at our assessment centre in Fourways. We get to know the student – we find out about their study habits, routines, interests and goals. This includes both an in-depth qualitative and detailed quantitative review of the student’s scholastic career up to that point.
Team Selection:
Tutors, if tuition is deemed necessary, from our team are selected based on an optimal match in terms of learning style and personality. We aren’t an agency; we know all of our tutors personally, and as far as we are concerned, choosing the right mentor – someone your child will look up to and connect with – is crucial!
One-On-One Lessons In Your Home:
Lessons happen one-on-one in your home or at your school. The tutors build a working relationship with the student and move through the outcomes effectively and constructively. We set and keep track of work to be done in between lessons.
Teaching note-taking techniques to a student who is not sleeping well, eating well, and doing some kind of regular exercise really is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Despite this, there is so much hype around teaching students study techniques and learning modalities and very little emphasis on the fundamentals.
The reality is that a student really can drastically improve their focus, alertness, energy, and effectiveness by making a few small tweaks to their sleeping habits.
Prescribing vs Professing
Andrew Huberman is an American neuroscientist and tenured professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Learning podcast. The tools described in this article are a brief introduction to some of the mechanisms that Huberman describes in his podcast, and we highly recommend you take the time to listen to it in its entirety (the first few episodes are on sleep).
Johanessburg: 51 Turaco, Norscot, Sandton, 2055
Cape Town: 11 Imam Haron Road, Claremont, 7708